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Better Product

Feb 23, 2021

Data is often a complicated topic wrapped around confusing jargon and direction on how to analyze it effectively. Our series on how to use data provides a narrative on the subject, highlighting organizations thinking differently from the implications AI has to why your gut has to guide more than just the vision. 


The wrap-up episode pulls out key takeaways from the guests featured in the series, including Kat Kennedy from Degreed, Marieke McCloskey from Humu, Dennis Mortenson with, and Kendra Clarke, sparks & honey

Series Takeaways: 

  • Understanding data is an evolutionary process 
  • Bias begins with the source, not the model 
  • Why time spent defining data before development pays off 
  • What data-driven start-up founders need to consider 
  • User research will save on the development, reducing wasted efforts 
  • What it means to have a “North Star” guiding your product 
  • Start with the question, not the data

Resources Offered:

And if you’re a startup founder, we want to invite you to join our office hours. Founders are matched in one-on-one sessions with an Innovatemap team member to answer your product questions. 


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