Oct 24, 2019
As our series on community continues, we dig deeper into the fundamental elements that create a successful product community.
Adam Fry-Pierce, Director of Design Community and Curator of the Design Leadership Forum at InVision, previously shared what they consider to be the 3 P’s that guide their view of...
Oct 22, 2019
What does it mean to develop a product with community in mind?
Over the first two seasons of Better Product, we’ve found that many of our conversations seem to involve community, whether the word is blatantly spoken or not. In many cases, it’s a matter of how much a company wants to invest in community that dictates...
Oct 8, 2019
Big announcement from Better Product: There will be no Season 3.
But that’s just because we love this podcast so much, we want to do it without the constraint of seasons! Sorry, was that misleading? We hope you’ll join us over the coming weeks as Anna and Christian take us on a journey into stories of how community...